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Michele Michaels kicks off Better Hearing and Speech Month!
May is better hearing and speech month and here at #ACDHH we will be celebrating by profiling various #Hardofhearing citizens throughout the state of Arizona. Be sure to tune in!
Meet Dave Haas!
Hard of Hearing Specialist Michele Michaels interviews Arizona Center for Disability Law’s Dave Haas on being a Hard of Hearing employee. #BetterHearingandSpeech #HardofHearing #ACDL #ACDHH
Meet Michele Stokes!
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, and this week we’d like to introduce you to Michele Stokes who is Hard of Hearing and is the ADA Compliance Specialist for the City of Tempe. Michele shares some of the assistive technology and strategies she uses in the workplace.
Meet Nancy Otte!
Nancy Otte, is a Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing who is herself an oral Deaf person. Her mission has been for all Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and hearing people to understand and respect each other, giving freedom for all to be and do whatever works best for the individual, whether signing, speaking, using hearing aids/cochlear implants or not, whether being in a specialized school for the Deaf or attending mainstream schools.
Meet Jay Griffin!
Meet Jay Griffin, a Hard of Hearing man who is the State Licensing Surveyor in the Speech-Language, Audiology, and Hearing Aid Professionals Section at the Arizona Department of Health Services. Jay understands what it is like to have hearing loss and he shares part of his story with us today. We are glad Jay works at DHS!
Meet Fran Saperstein!
Not all #hardofhearing people work in offices. Some start their own businesses, write for a living, or even create art! Today we’re pleased to introduce you to Fran Saperstein who is a working artist who is Hard of Hearing. Fran’s beautiful artwork can be found on her website at www.fransaperstein.com and in this video Fran shares her amazing spirit and ‘can-do’ attitude that has led to her success. If you have #hearingloss, we hope you flourish just like Fran has!
May 3rd
Wondering what Relay Conference Captioning is? This guest column explains all about it! Click here for the column.
May 10th
The Arizona Technology Access Program writes all about Assistive Technology Considerations for Employees who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Click here for the column.
May 17th
Here’s a guest column called “Listening with Liz” by ACDHH Hard of Hearing Commissioner, Elizabeth Booth. Liz’s hearing loss was diagnosed when she was a child but that didn’t stop her from having a successful career as a teacher (she even teaches piano!). Liz has been very involved in the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) and the Association of Late Deafened Adults (ALDA), having established a new HLAA chapter in Sun Lakes and receiving the national Service Award from the national HLAA office in June 2015 in addition to being a cochlear implant mentor/advocate with Advanced Bionics. Click here for the column.
May 24th
If you have hearing loss and are working, you may find it difficult to hear everything you need to hear at your workplace. In this guest column, Dr. Ingrid McBride, Au.D. at Arizona State University, explains just how a hearing assistive technology worksite assessment can help you and your employer accommodate your hearing loss on the job, whether you have hearing aids or not. Click here for more info.
May 31st
ACDHH Commissioner and Statewide Coordinator for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services with DES/RSA, Ms. Sue Kay Kneifel of the State of Arizona’s Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program wrote a column for us. In this article Sue Kay explains how the VR process works to help you with your career. Eligibility, order of selection, priority categories, how to apply, and who to contact are all discussed in her article found here.