Licensure Category Guideline Chart

Arizona Court Interpreter Bench Card

ACDHH Certified Deaf Interpreter Position Paper

ACDHH Certified Hearing Interpreter Position Paper

Board of Evaluation of Interpreters (BEI) 

Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID)

K-12 and Licensure FAQ

CATIE Center Resource Page


List of workshop modules from Behavior Health Interpreting Program (BHIP) (this video highlights all five (5) projects:

Modules - 20 hours each

 1. Orientation to Mental Health Interpreting: But I Don't Do Mental Health

2. Introduction to Psychopharmacology for ASL Interpreters

3. Introduction to Addiction and Recovery Interpreting

4. Introduction to Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Interpreting

 Webinars - 90 min each

 1. Introduction to the Specialization of Mental Health Interpreting

2. Intersectionality in Behavioral Health Interpreting

3. Deaf Interpreters in Behavioral Health Interpreting

4. Specialized Interpreting: Addiction and Recovery

5. Specialized Interpreting: Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence

6. Behavioral Health Interpreting: Trauma Informed Approach

 As a reminder, in addition to the CATIE Center’s Behavior Health Interpreting Program (BHIP), there are opportunities for interpreters to gain specialized training in four other areas. They are: 

 1.  Graduation to Certification Project (GtC)

2.  Cultivating Legal Interpreters from Minority Backgrounds Project (CLIMB)

3.  Center for Atypical Language Center (CALI)

4.  DeafBlind Interpreting